Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Try out

This is gummy and I am experimenting with how to do this.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Being taught and reminded by a child...

Being taught and reminded by a child...
Just before Thanksgiving, Addie talked to me about a BIG project she wanted to do.  It was a VERY BIG Christmas project, and would require quite a bit of time for her to spend with me.  I talked to her about waiting until next year-so we had all year to work on it, but she was determined to do it this year (2013), which didn't give us much time.  She didn't want her mom or anyone else to know what it was.  It was a SURPRISE!  I talked with Courtney and found one Saturday that she could come and spend the day working on her project.  As it turned out, she spent the day and night and she worked hard for about 14 hours!  She sewed and sewed, pressed and  pressed, folded and folded, then wrapped and wrapped, till she had made and wrapped Christmas pillowcases for our entire family!  She is a great example of giving from her heart and I was thrilled to be a part of her BIG plan!  It was lots of fun to spend the entire day and night busily creating and letting her give of herself to others!  I am so proud of her for her desire to serve, for sticking with it, and finishing 21 pillowcases! Then she gave them out early for all to enjoy! She truly exemplified the TRUE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS, GIVING OF HERSELF.  Being a small part of her big plan let me feel the Savior's love in my life to a greater degree this Christmas season, and was a reminder to me of the greatest of all gifts, our Savior Jesus Christ!


Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Good Reminder

This past Christmas season, I was hoping to be able to serve and help in small ways and praying for the opportunity. One morning I was at Walmart with Pierce buying mostly non-essential items for Christmas and found myself standing in line behind a woman and a toddler who was very concerned about the price of her purchases. She was watching the total with cash in hand and correcting the clerk when anything was entered incorrectly. Almost everything in her cart seemed essential.

When the cashier presented the total, it was more than the woman expected and she began to look through her cart to see what she didn't really need that could get her total to what she was expecting. I told the woman that I was happy to cover the difference. She protested saying it was too much and I insisted. I ended up paying about $6 so she could get everything she needed. She was incredibly grateful and a little embarrassed and I was grateful to be able to help.

The tender mercy that was really shown to me was that as I walked out to the car, I was reminded that only a few years ago, that lady was me. When we were in school, that was exactly how I did my grocery shopping, watching every penny, shopping sales, buying only essentials for our little family. I was given the chance to reflect on not only how blessed we had been during that time of our life to make it through grad school with 4 kids, but also how far we had come in such a short time.

It is so easy to get wrapped up in all the things we don't have or feel like we need during the holiday season, but in that line at Walmart, I was reminded of everything I already had and was able to take a few moments to be truly grateful for all the monetary and spiritual blessings in my life.